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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Discussion / troubleshooting / [SOLVED] Cloud Server
I want some information about this feature of bombsquad
7:55 AM
damn I can't send media file
7:56 AM
my point being is that there is an option available in gather which allows me to create public server for free for 10 minutes so is it like one time use only or i can create public server for 10 mins everytime
my point being is that there is an option available in gather which allows me to create public server for free for 10 minutes so is it like one time use only or i can create public server for 10 mins everytime
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/13/2023 8:01 AM
it changes every time based on how many servers the cloud can handle, also it doesnt mean it shuts down after 10 minutes, but that u have 10 minutes to start up a server, once u start the server it will run for as much as u would like (there may be a time that the server shuts itself down but idk how long that takes)
o thanks for the information
PR7BZ changed the channel name: [SOLVED] Cloud Server 10/13/2023 8:06 AM
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